
Liver Care Products

Agrow Yakrata Syrup

An ideal liver tonic for all age groups

  • Protect the liver from adverse effects of alcohol, drugs and virus
  • Digestive and appetizer
  • Best adjuvant with known hepatotoxic drugs like ATT and anti epileptic drugs
  • Hepatitis - acute
  • Fatty liver
  • Cirrhosis of liver
  • Alcoholic liver disease


  • Alcohol, Drugs induced and infective hepatitis
  • Hepatitis B & C
  • Recommended in patients receiving long term drug therapy NZ, ATT and anti-epileptic drugs

Main Herbs: Kalmegh, Chirayate, Daruhaidra and Kutaki ,tulsi & bhringraj.

Kalmegh :- Kalmegh is especially useful in treating liver related diseases. It exhibits hepato-protective and hepato-stimulative property. In traditional medicine system aqueous extracts of kalmegh leaves are given for jaundice.

Chirayta :-Chirayta also works well for treating liver problems, and also does a good job of detoxing the liver. It also increases metabolism thus helping with weight loss.

Chirata is a beneficial bitter tasting tonic which is used as a laxative and also an appetizer. It corrects the nutrition disorders in the body and helps in bringing normality into the system. The herb is used widely to stimulate the appetite of people suffering from anorexia and other such problems.

Daruhaldi :- It helps in curing all kind of stomach ache and disorders, digestive problems.

Kutki :- Kutki helps in jaundice caused by liver problems. At the same time Kutki perks up a person’s appetite and can also work as a good herbal remedy for constipation.

Kutki  detoxifies the liver and blood, but simultaneously strengthens this vital organ while enhancing cellular growth and tissue regeneration.  It is useful in serious conditions such as Hepatitis C and cirrhosis of the liver; but can also be utilized in the more common issues of slow-sluggishness, toxic build-up, excessive heat and inflammation.

Tulsi :- Tulsi is actually renowned for its ability to balance metabolism and digestion at all levels, from the stomach to the liver and deeper to subtler levels.

Tulsi being a great diuretic and detoxifier is great for the kidneys. It helps reduce the uric acid levels in the blood (one of the main reasons for kidney stones is the presence of excess uric acid in the blood), helps cleanse the kidneys, the presence of acetic acid and other components in its essential oils helps in breaking down kidney stones and its painkiller effect helps dull down the pain of kidney stones.

Bhringraj :- The herb sets right the liver and cures jaundice, fatty liver hemorrhoids and indigestion.

Dosage :

Adults : 5-10ml 2 to 3 times a day.
Children: 2.5 to 5ml 2 to 3 times a day.

Packing Available: Bottle of 200ml